Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: December Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in December 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: November Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in November 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

[RE: What an excellent Introduction to the philosophical understanding of our Mind and Emotion (ME) interaction -- or else, adversely Depression!

I thought Jeff Mason has accurately concluded above that "Perhaps integrating an awareness of brain chemistry and function into our self-understanding will contribute to the philosophical goal of self-knowledge.
" -- Or else, currently, prevalently, modernity-induced or self-inflicted and self-confused Depression (distresses mental, spiritual, or otherwise)!?

This is exactly a very hot topic in psychiatry today, that I have recently engaged in debating in the Psychiatric Times,
here: “Coyne Battles Darwin, Many Other Evolutionary Biologists -- And Himself -- RE: What an excellent Rebuttal to Coyne's neo-Darwinist mis-calculus of Depression!” (PsychiatricTimesUSA; October 11).

Best wishes, Mong 11/4/10usct4:05p; practical science-philosophy critic; author "Decoding Scientism" and "Consciousness & the Subconscious" (works in progress since July 2007),
Gods, Genes, Conscience (iUniverse; 2006) and Gods, Genes, Conscience: Global Dialogues Now (blogging avidly since 2006).]

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: October Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in October 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

  • [NB: I'm in preparation of writing 2 books Decoding Scientism and Consciousness & the Subconscious (works in progress since July 2007), so my future Dialogues worldwide would not be engaged, and posted herein, as often as I had been over the past 4 years or so.]
  • 1) Let's begin the Dialogue and Reconciliation of Science and Religion Now! -- RE: More on The folly of neo-Darwinism & Dawkinsism (or Darwinism as atheism fallacy)! (PhysForumEU; October 3) [where my post was obliterated on November 9; so said the Moderator (rpenner) who reasons that "Inappropriate use of fonts and colors and pre-formatted posts. Suspended 10 days. Post obliterated." -- Well, I would beg to differ: since fronts & colors are there for the formatting or editing for emphasis & clarity of the article. Indeed, it's a complex (research working paper) post (which classifies that mostly today's "evolutionary biologists" especially "armchair evolutionists" who have had trained & adopted unequivocally the Modern Synthesis of neo-Darwinism since the 1940s, have had suffered from a neo-Darwinist-bias syndrome, worldwide); and a lengthy article that may represent a breakthrough analysis on our current reading & thinking on and of the subject matter of the "neo-Darwinists vs neo-(ID)-creationists" fallacies (since the 1990s) that they (in each fallacy) have had defined & confined themselves so as to be in their each own mutually anti-social, anti-personal & pseudoscientific "intellectual vs spiritual" conflicts, in perpetuity & mentality (since the publication of Charles Darwin's 1859 evolutionary masterpiece "The Origin of Species"). So, let me just repost that recent & acute analysis en masse herein with the same title here: "More on The folly of neo-Darwinism & Dawkinsism (or Darwinism as atheism fallacy)!" (GodsGenesConscience:GlobalDialoguesNowUSA; December 5) for readers' convenience and scrutiny therein & thereof.]
  • 2) Coyne Battles Darwin, Many Other Evolutionary Biologists -- And Himself -- RE: What an excellent Rebuttal to Coyne’s neo-Darwinist mis-calculus of Depression! (PsychiatricTimesUSA; October 11)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: September Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in September 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: August Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in August 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: July Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in July 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: June Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in June 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: May Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in May 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: April Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in April 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

[RE: A heretic among the neo-atheists!?

Well done, Chris Mulherin!

However, I think the problem is that the infallible "high priest" of the so-called "neo-atheism" Richard Dawkins, will never concede his "irrationalism" in science and religion issues to the truthful philosophical and scientific arguments of the issues -- such as one that your argued above -- since the publication of his 1976 pseudoscientific pseudo-genetic book The Selfish Gene as one review that I recently presented here: "Let's begin the Dialogue and Reconciliation of Science and Religion Now! -- RE: Darwin Year in review: The folly of neo-Darwinism & Dawkinsism (or Darwinism as atheism fallacy) -- May the real McCoys (both the scientific and critical thinkings in biology) prevail in the 21st century and beyond!?" (PhysForumEU; February 1); and here: "Harris versus Dawkins, modern day Euthyphro dilemma -- RE: Nihilist-atheism vs. Atheisms of sages!?" (SanFranciscoApologeticsExaminer; April 1).

[PS: This is my first post here, so let me try various formatting styles, to see if anyone of them will be appropriate for this web platform!?]

Best wishes, Mong 4/5/10usct3:02p; practical science-philosophy critic; author "Decoding Scientism" and "Consciousness & the Subconscious" (works in progress since July 2007), Gods, Genes, Conscience (iUniverse; 2006) and Gods, Genes, Conscience: Global Dialogues Now (blogging avidly since 2006).]

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: March Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in March 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

[RE: Revisiting Darwinism: Somatic ontogeny vs. Intellectual ontogeny!?

Reg Morrison muses above that: Charles Darwin, 170 years ago, scribbled the following asides in his notes: "Thought, however unintelligible it may be, seems as much a function of organ, as bile of liver," and "This view should teach one profound humility, no one deserves credit for anything, nor ought one to blame others."

And Morrison further concluded that "Sadly, this fact-based proposition is as unpalatable now as when Darwin originally noted it."

Whereas I must disagree with Morrison's assessment of the young Darwin's musing on 'thought' -- or our intellectual ontogeny -- was a 'fact-based' proposition. On the contrary, if Darwin had had pursued 'medicine' as a profession, he would have had not equated the function or 'thought process' of our brain, with the 'bile secretion' of our liver, as Morrison quoted above.

In fact, over 20 years later, Darwin did correct himself by clearly differentiating his own naturalist work of the somatic ontogeny of species, from the intellectual ontogeny work of other scholars -- like that of his contemporary polymath Herbert Spencer -- as he deftly concluded in his then masterpiece treatise 'On the Origin of Species' that "In the future I see open fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be securely based on the foundation already well laid by Mr Herbert Spencer, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. Much light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history [as a matter of humanism or our intellectual ontogeny].

As such Darwin was indeed conscious; and conscientious too, about his own naturalist work and scientific scholarship; especially on his taxonomy-based naturalism vs. others’ sociology or ideology-based psychology -- or “modern population geneticism” as one that has had been propagated by the neo-Darwinists since the 1940s, as the Modern Synthesis, that I recently identified here: “What Darwin Got Wrong” by Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini -- RE: Classical Darwinism vs. neo-Darwinism: What Fodor, et al got wrong!? (GuardianUK; February 14).

Best wishes, Mong 3/12/10usct3:27p; practical science-philosophy critic; author "Decoding Scientism" and "Consciousness & the Subconscious" (works in progress since July 2007), "Gods, Genes, Conscience" (2006: ) and "Gods, Genes, Conscience: Global Dialogues Now" (blogging avidly since 2006: ).]

Monday, February 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: February Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in February 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Gods, Genes, Conscience: January Dialogues

Dear Readers: Please feel free to review the Contents of my book and biography in Gods, Genes, Conscience ( worldwide release 2006); and/or here (Google Books Search 2007) or here ( Look Inside 2008). A list of global booksellers near you can be found here. Thank you all for scrutinizing!

Immediate Posting: The following Commentaries (developing thinkings) were made in response to the concerned articles, sources, and dates listed in January 2010, so as to promote the Good Dialogues worldwide. Thank you all for reading and scrutinizing!